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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Oh my god !!! - Gorge Swinging

It must have been the beer! I'm still not sure what possessed me to both agree to & then part with cash for the scare of a lifetime. I'm going to blame it on a few beers as I can't think of another rational excuse as to why someone who hates heights decided to step off a 55m cliff & scream like a girl !!!!

The day started out with a leisurely zip line out across the gorge, most of us managed to hold onto our breakfast as we launched ourselves out over the edge but Laura managed to trump everyone & flew out (as pictured above!)

We then moved on to a 50m cliff & the Abseiling hut. Ems stormed down the cliff abseiling FORWARDS! whilst I struggled to manage little more than a smile going down in a more traditional fashion.

I was further put to shame when, tied to a fellow traveling friend Alison, I was more pulled over the cliff than jumped on the gorge swing. I stuck to the one jump & holding the contents of my stomach where they belonged while everyone else did both solo & tandem jumps

I'd like to say I enjoyed the experience but have to hold my vertigo afflicted hand up & admit to being too scared of heights to really enjoy them :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bloody funny fella.

i finally get round to logging onto your blog spot and some terrible well written young filly is all i can find. One starts to believe one's been sold a duffer but eventually i find the whole things been hijacked and further down the page you return.

glad to see your having fun in the sun.

all i can say is your missing some bloody good weather back in blightly

toodle pip old been