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Friday, August 10, 2007

Club Athelico Fernandez Fierro C.A.F.F

A Wednesday night in a local barrio, a hanger style building packed with the young & trendy (like me!!!) & a wicked band.

The local bit of th mix made it easy for me to stand out. As if being a good foot taller than most didn't give the Gringo away then the fair whiter completion & of course my subtly camouflaged blond hair made ID-ing the odd one a little easier. None the less it was great fun.


The band we'd gone to see we a superb mix of traditional Tango structure & new age dress, attitude & energy. The hall was crammed with people near the stage but behind the crowd there was just enough room for others to Tango. This was not a place for beginners to wade on in so it wasn't until well after the band had finished & there was lighter background music playing that I thought, what the heck, I've come this far & had 4 lessons, I just have to try......

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