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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A quick Trip State side

Life shouldn’t all be about work, work, work but I had to try hard & squeeze some social stuff into the short 5 day trip to the East coast. I travelled out to Orlando via NYC to look at a few business ideas, but managed to combine my appointments with a two social catch ups.

I meet up with Ressie, who just happened to be on business in Miami from Denver, so se flew up to Orlando & we spent Saturday running around Universal Studios like 2 school kids, playing with Shrek, Donkey & friends!

Some of the roller coaster rides had the most bizarre signage; you con only imagine what must have happened in order to prompt such consideration!

Sunday I caught up with James Nicholson & family further up state, near the town of Bunnell, just north of Daytona Beach. It’s only taken Jamie & me 12 years to hook up. I last meet in our final year f Uni & have both promised to stay in touch more frequently. I can’t any reason why once on less than 12 years is unachievable!!

A weekend of socialising helped overcome the small jet lag I had. I felt far fresher working over the next 3 days having acclimatised before hand. Monday I drove back towards Orlando, dropping in to see 3 Dog day care centres, Tuesday I spent all day looking at one in more detail & Wednesday I flew back to New York to see 3 more sites so I could compare & contrast 7 different business models. I hope to now have a better understanding of how they work & operate.

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