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Saturday, August 16, 2008

London Triathlon

Some say why? some say why not! For me, the Triathlon has been a training goal to ensure I keep geting out & enjoying having Richmond park on my doorstep.

The 1.5km swim started spot on 2.40pm & 27 minutes later I emerged back where we'd started.This was my first race at this distance & I was glad to have had 4 monday nights open water swimming down at the Princes club in Bedfont. The London Docks contained decidedly unless weed & duck poo so I came out ahead of my 30 minute ambition, cleared & happier than expected.

The swim exited back through the massive Excel centre , that housed over 10,000 other crazy athletes. I hopped on my rented bike to tackle the 40km ride aiming for a 1.30 time. It was windy & threatened rain almost all ride, but the weather held off. The momentum of riding with others had my 2x20km laps wrapped up in just 1.09. I knew I was going fast but the I hoped to god that I'd not over done it.

I knew as soon as I was off the bike that the final 10km run was going to be a struggle but I'd set myself an easy hour target & was already 20 minutes up on plan. The flat terrain combined with a fresh bounce of new trainers however assisted me to run a painful 50 minute final stage.
I crossed the line a happy & content man, even if it was at just over a snail pace !

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