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Friday, May 04, 2007

farewell lovely boy!

Well, it's time to say goodbye to Ches as we make our own ways from here. I'm now in Sydney, soon to head to the Blue Mountains. Hopefully Chester and I will meet up again when he stops by on his way to S.America.
I've had a fantastic trip through Africa, although the long days driving were a little tedious. However, we always found a way to amuse ourselves - an evil laugh challenge to name but one.
There has been many a highlight for me. The list would run and run, ranging from the proximity of amazing creatures to sunsets and sunrise to sampling a springbok beverage or two. So, instead i've sent photos of just a few of my fab memories.
*Ngorongoro Crater and Serengetti
*Zanzibar - Stone Town's history and atmosphere, the laid back North
*Scenery and sunshine
*Good friends
*Livingstone lunacy!

So, cheerio lovely boy. Have much fun and frolics on your way. And as for me, I'll dop my best to keep in touchvia email.
Love and sunshine,
Ems xx

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