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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Krugar to Jo'burg - the final leg

& so it was homeward bound. The last day of driving crossed back west towards Jo;burg. We started to list the last activities (some more gleefully than others) such as taking down our tents or packing up the truck.

We departed Bushman's camp at 7am & hit the remaining 300kms back to civilisation. The landscape changed dramatically as we rouse up through the Burg range of mountains, cutting up deep canyons & passes, up on to the high agricultural plains & then on into the mining landscape nearer the city.

The Ritz back packers greeted us at 4pm, & it's name is more akin to the old night club chain than the glitzy namesake hotel. BUT we were treated to a night in a real (&comfortable) bed - LUXURY

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