We'd been given a tip that there were some little known American Indian rock paintings at the entrance of a local canyon called Moon Flower, so
pre-pancakes & coffee, we journeyed out to find them, following some directions we'd had
scribbled on a till
receipt - left
between Burger King &
McDonalds, travel for 8 minutes, it's located between 2 cotton trees on the left hand side.....right, should be easy then !
Oddly, the
directions were spot on & we fund the
canynon, the the middle of nowhere, a short distance out of town. There was no one around. The valley was cool & quiet with a slight breeze blowing up from the Colorado. The atmosphere was timeless,
leaving us to soak up the feeling that the ancient spirits were all around.

The unprotected rock art had
unfortunately been damaged by a few mindless individuals but it was still
fascinating to see the images depicting ancient scenes.
Moon Flower canyon's tranquil morning atmosphere.