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Saturday, November 07, 2009

Dead Famous - a chilling night out

Halloween - "Dead Famous" @ Joey's place

Dressed as deceased "Piss-artists" Frida & Vincent warmed up the night at with George Best, Elvis, Cleopatra & Audry Hepburn.

We weren't sure which greeting was more scary, the tomb stones & pumpkin or finding out that Micheal was still alive & kicking.Nice, sweaty outfit MJ.

Freddie & friends soon pumped up the music & even Gandi got down with a few vodka jelies inside him!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Getting muddy - The Helly Henson challenge

10kms of running, 25kms of Cross Country mountain biking & Kayaking without pads
..... & a short assault course to finish.......
.....with arms & legs like lead, what's the best way to finish a 3 hour race?
a greased up wall to get over!!
3hrs 7mins : 42place out of 303 teams - elating & exhausting, not bad for our 1st race.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

So long USA

Our final day & the prospect of a long flight home. We decided to hop on a tandem bike for a few hours to ensure we could sleep. The lakeside drive cycle path runs for miles both north & south of the downtown area. We choose north & explored the area up towards Lincoln park - no band playing unfortunately!
Fun on the bike near the beach

"Jazz" - Nice!

Shelia JordonA final night out on the town was spent uptown at the Green Mill watching Sheila Jordon play a live set with a resident 3 piece band.
Natural Jazz fans we're aren't but the experience was great fun.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Back Country Hiking & goodbye Yellowstone

The stunning weather continued showing off Yellowstone's turning fall colours. We hiked out from Old Faithful's tourist area through the Biscuit basin of steaming geysers & vents.
The heat of the fall hadn't dropped sufficiently to pull the bears & Elk down from the surrounding hillsides, as a result we only found ourselves looking a Bizon, Deer & Chip munks!
Some animals are more tame than others, whilst the chip munks hardly stayed still long enough to snap a shot this video shows are others are less bother by humans!

Male bull, taking it easy in the rising heat.
We headed upward into the hills on a winding s-bent track to the high ridge over looking the area. Sucking in the thin alttitude air we treked onward to a lunchtime destination of some icy cold waterfalls/
Panoramic video


....... Old faithful, doing it's hot steamy thing

Dragons Cauldron let's off steam .....
....... Mammoth Springs upper basin cascade
Hat shopping gave us both a distinct American appearance!
With the park so big we did a fair amount of driving so found ourseleves stopping for breaks in the mid of nowhere. This was one peacful lunchtime spot for a picnic.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tetons National Park into Yellowstone

The "Tea" tons moutain range stretch up from Jackson Hole to Yellowstone NP. Set up like a picture postacard above lakes Jenny & Jackson, the picturesque back drop welcomes Yellowstone visiters arriving from the south.
The elements have savaged the highway up to Yellowstone, so there was a huge amount of work going on to to seal the surface again before winter sets in. We followed this "follow me" truck through about 5 miles of construction.
Arrving just before dusk we set our animal spotting hopes high, with in 10 minutes of enterring the park this grazing stag was by the side of the road.

The road is long ....1200miles in fact!

Utah to Idaho to WyomingThe Fall is setting in, turning the leaves from Green to Yellow to Red & Brown. We set off at 4pm heading north from Moab towards Salt Lake City, before heading north for Yellowstone park. We night stopped briefly in a dodgey (but thankfully clean) motel crossing the state border into Idaho just after dawn.

We guessed that the town of Lava Hot Springs might have a tourist attraction & stopped to warm up in the thermal waters.Idaho to Jackson, WH

Arches National Park - clue's in the title

More open space & big desert sky, Arches national park is simply vast. It doesn't matter in which direction you look there is a rock formation that you want to photograph.

We drove to the northernmost point, Devil's Garden, threw on the walking boots & yomped out for a few hours to Double O - the below rock formation. The sun beat down & the wind blew
Grand Arch is simply awe inspiring. How gravity is kept a bay I don't know but this arch towers 50m above the trees & spans ore than a football pitch.

A windy Arches National Park

Moon Flower Canyon - Rock art

We'd been given a tip that there were some little known American Indian rock paintings at the entrance of a local canyon called Moon Flower, so pre-pancakes & coffee, we journeyed out to find them, following some directions we'd had scribbled on a till receipt - left between Burger King & McDonalds, travel for 8 minutes, it's located between 2 cotton trees on the left hand side.....right, should be easy then !

Oddly, the directions were spot on & we fund the canynon, the the middle of nowhere, a short distance out of town. There was no one around. The valley was cool & quiet with a slight breeze blowing up from the Colorado. The atmosphere was timeless, leaving us to soak up the feeling that the ancient spirits were all around.
The unprotected rock art had unfortunately been damaged by a few mindless individuals but it was still fascinating to see the images depicting ancient scenes.

Moon Flower canyon's tranquil morning atmosphere.