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Saturday, October 03, 2009

Back Country Hiking & goodbye Yellowstone

The stunning weather continued showing off Yellowstone's turning fall colours. We hiked out from Old Faithful's tourist area through the Biscuit basin of steaming geysers & vents.
The heat of the fall hadn't dropped sufficiently to pull the bears & Elk down from the surrounding hillsides, as a result we only found ourselves looking a Bizon, Deer & Chip munks!
Some animals are more tame than others, whilst the chip munks hardly stayed still long enough to snap a shot this video shows are others are less bother by humans!

Male bull, taking it easy in the rising heat.
We headed upward into the hills on a winding s-bent track to the high ridge over looking the area. Sucking in the thin alttitude air we treked onward to a lunchtime destination of some icy cold waterfalls/
Panoramic video

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