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Monday, December 01, 2008

The Tequila Express

Just what a good wedding hangover needs, a full day all inclusive trip to Tequila on the Tequila Express.

Greeted by the all smiling Mariachi band who played all journey (both there & back) on our full day excursion. The tour included a production tour, sampling & a really loud show, just the recipe needed to blow the excesses of Javier & Elizebeth's wedding out of the system!
a traditional Miador cutting the raw ingredient - The Blue Agava
The open vats of raw sugar before they go into fermenting tanks. Tequila is the one of few alcoholic drinks produced without yeast fermentation. Air borne bacteria & microbes ferment the raw material into that delicious tasting fire water!

The Blue Agava fields litter & now make the surrounding countryside.

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